Two deckchairs in a sack a 1970's saga of different events in different places

Watson, Van.

xii, 204 pages
Cover subtitle: Different ways to travel the world.
Summary: In the 1970's Van spent two and a half years working in Papua New Guinea as a field assistant for a mineral exploration company. In his time off he was involved in 'The Search for the Deepest Hole in the World' and recently co-authored a book with Paul Caffyn describing these cave expeditions. After leaving PNG, Van returned to NZ and spent his savings learning to fly fixed wing aircraft and helicopters before figuring out that the risk exceeded the reward. He and his lovely wife Jan worked the possums for a while then went on the road, up through Asia and out into Europe. Europe was bland and cold so they drove off to Africa where once again the risk exceeded the reward. This is a fast moving saga of a couple experiencing different events in different places; when they were young and dreams were new. Heavy rainfall and high humidity does not impact on the dry humour. If you have an interest in being a pilot, a possum trapper, a traveller, an adventurer or just like a good story with lots of photos there will be something in here somewhere to enjoy.
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Location edition Bar Code due date
Non-fiction - Auto/Bio B00119234
call #:WAT
Watson, Van.